Mark Solborg「The Trees」


Mark Solborg「The Trees」


Mark Solborgはフリージャズに特化したデンマーク人のギタリストです。

サックスはEvan Parkerが奏しています。



例えば、9曲目は「Dark Boat」、10曲目は「Closure(閉鎖)」であり、まるで森の中にある立ち入り禁止の看板や、密猟者たちの怪しい行動、湿った土と木の匂いが思い浮かぶようです。

特にDark Boatの感性は本当に素晴らしく、これが楽器を用いたフリージャズであることを忘れて、思わず曲の中の世界に入り込んでしまいます。






Rustle, blast, scratch and howl.

The world is noisy (and a great place to live)...

When the wind blows, a bough breaks; a blackbird sings its surprise and a nursery rhyme is born. Because frost melts, humming telephone wires slacken and change key.

Even stone slabs resonate when sibilants bounce around the nave. The Earth is a master composer and improvisor; it desires a response. Upon this Earth, here and there, are a few folk thankfully compelled to meet up and add their voices to the mélange: scattered tribes who must search each other out. Dear listener, you are hearing a ritual. In a room where musicians meet, large resonant objects with their grain exposed will have been disrobed; a reed from the Var will have been ligatured to a mottled brass relic; a tentative, herb-scented wind will have picked up, and the ritual begun. Don’t stop. If you stop, everything may stop. Play on, in time with the timeless, bendy rhythm of noble trees, and in beautifully imperfect harmony with the world.

Django Bates, December 2012